Thursday 12 April 2012

Kampala's Night life

Drinking  and dancing is as much a part of Kampala culture as religion. Beer is available all day every day, and you are almost never out of sight of somewhere to get alcohol. All the local beers are great Nile Special, Pil, Bell Beer, Club Beer, Tusker Beer, watch out for ESB, “Extra Strong Brew” which will floor you, and for the committed drinker there is Uganda Waragi, a local gin distilled from bananas.It is the best gin in East Africa and has a good aroma.

Ugandan music is mixture of happy-pop and happy-reggae and is so relentlessly happy. Music in pubs and clubs is generally a mix of Ugandan and R&B, and dancing is mandatory. Among the most popular singers are: Jose chameleon, Bobi wine, Regga dee, Bebe cool, Julinna Kanyomozi, Iryn Namuburu, Angela Kalule and among the gospel singers are: Fiona Wamala cousin of mine and one of the very first gospel singers in Kampala following her father's footstep Elly Wamala who was one the greatest music icon Uganda has ever experienced grooming other most popular legend such as Philly Lutaaya musicians. Fiona has been in the music industry for  long though now she is based in UK London, Wilson Bugembe and Judith Babirye inspiration singers    who are adored by many gospel listeners.

Drinking establishments fall into three categories: Pubs proper (including the places where most of the Europeans and Americans usually hang out); African/Asian-style clubby-pubs, hybrids with dance floors and pool tables; and clubs proper, which are like European nightclubs but with Ugandans being in the majority, they are great!!

Pubs Bubbles O’Leary’s:  Located on Acacia Avenue is a authentic-feeling Irish pub. This bar is a must. It seems to have become the new 'Just Kicking', with large gatherings; especially at the weekend. They do a good range of pub food, music and an even better mix of people.No matter what you do in Kampala, Bubbles is the place to go! from cold beers, a friendly chat or a game of rugby on the box! you cannot beat this place! DJs every weekend with a 5,000/- cover charge. Great place!!

KasumbaSquare: Located on Northern Bypass and Busega Round about. The place has many pubs and clubbing over the weekend. It is a place when you want to have a good atmosphere while chilling out. It is more family oriented drinking place and get together joints.

Fatboyz: Located in Kisementi is slightly less muzungu-orientated and has great live music and comfy chairs, although it can get short on space. It’s a really nice place just to hang out before or after eating out.

Kyoto Restaurant: It on Shomoni Road just up from the golf course is the place to go on Friday night and they have good Music. Staff are very welcoming. It is usually one of the places guaranteed to be part of a Kampala pub crawl. kyoto like Bubbles has a cover charge on the weekends.

Mateo’s  Located on Kampala Road is a cocktail bar, rather expensive but the cocktails are good. Some nights it teems with people getting ready to go to Rouge (see below). There are loads of tables outside, good for chilling out. A good place for pre-club drinks.

Wagadugu:Opposite the pubs and restaurants in Kisementi is a refreshing change from those places; here you hardly see a white face. Beer is also much cheaper and there is a balcony where you can sit and look over Kisementi.

Sabrina’s Pub: Located on Bombo Road, and is a very large pub with a huge stage that has live music several nights a week. There are two bars, serving cheap beer and food, and one pool table. The music tends to be a bit intrusive, given that there is no real dance floor.Sabrina Pub is one of the first pubs located in city center to built on high standards. And the pub is compared to those you find in big cities like Toronto, London or New-York.

Garden City Shopping Centre: Has several great places to have a drink and eat pub food: it’s high up, meaning it is airy and cool, good when the day has been hot. They show football on several televisions. There is a beautiful view of the city below. Good atmosphere and classic.

City Bar:  Boasts one of Uganda’s snooker tables which is immaculately maintained (unlike the thousands of decrepit pool tables in Uganda), so if you’re into snooker give this a look. It’s expensive, though, at 5.000/= ($2) an hour. Apart from that, the pub is nice to sit in, resembling a larger pub in central London. Is definitely a place fr all the sharks out there.

Clubby pubs:

Kabalagala/Kansanga: Kabalagala is teeming with little bars and pubs in addition to these ones, so don’t feel confined! They’re all good places to go and have a drink and a boogie all night long.

Al’s bar: Found in Kansanga is legendary. Open 24/7 for drinking, dancing and all manner of debauchery, this is where those Kampala revelers who survive until the small hours generally end up. It generally doesn’t kick off until at least 2am, though, so plan to get there at the end of the night. Loads of hookers of all types. It is also swarming with ‘women of the night’ (hookers, more or less) who are there to find muzungus, and they can be very forward in their approach..

Capital Pub: Located in Kabalagala and is a giant pub/club with several bars, 8 pool tables, a huge vaulted ceiling and nooks and crannies everywhere. On certain nights, notably Mondays, it heaves with people, including its fair share of prostitutes, some of whom are a sight classier and more difficult to spot than in Al’s Bar. In my mates’ words, though, “it rocks!” and is almost a guaranteed good night out. As with Al’s bar, it doesn’t get going until late, so leave it until about 1am before getting there.

Half London Pub: Located in Kansanga the name half London originated back in 1980s when it was the only decent place to be and people nicknamed it that name it is more sedate than the last two, with a bar, some pool tables and a small dance floor. The music pumps out loud, but somehow it never gets going as much as Capital or Al’s bar.

Hunters Pub: Found in Kansanga, Sunday is a must-see for anyone who likes Reggae but be careful as it is a bit dodgy. The entire Rasta crowd of Kampala congregates in a happy drunk delirium and dances all night to pumping Reggae. If this is your cup of tea, go see it and enjoy.

Central city Area the middle of Kampala is full of places—here are just the few that we found.

Jokers On Buganda Road is a large house containing several bars, many eating/drinking areas and a stage. It hosted a big Reggae party for Bob Marley’s birthday recently which was so good that I went several times afterwards, but it never got quite as kicking again. If there’s another concert there, though, definitely give it a look.

TLC: Located on George Street near the Central Police Station is a large place with several dance floors and chill-out areas, expensive pool tables, good food and drinks. It even has a swimming pool, although no-one seems to know how you get to swim in it. It gets very popular indeed. The crowd is a mix of European and African, as is the music.

Steak Out: It is on Buganda Road is a genius. It’s a club/pub with a steakhouse attached, so you can eat bits of dead cow while drinking your favorite beer. There is no dance floor but past about 12 mid night the place start to rock.

Club Obbligato: Located on the Port Bell Road near the big clubs charges for entry most nights, bizarrely, which is probably why it’s usually dead, although this ensures there are no prostitutes. But it has live music of often very good quality, and you can catch big-name artists there, especially Afrigo band, Uganda’s best African band, on Friday and Saturday nights.

Rock Garden: Part of the Speke Hotel, has a well-deserved reputation for seediness, even though it is fairly up-market and expensive. It has a dance floor and a circular bar with a large eating area outside, pool tables, and lots of televisions showing sport. A muzungu (white) male visitor will find himself draped with women in under 5 minutes.While some may like this it can get to be too much for some it may be hilariously funny, depending on how you handle it! Serves food until late in the night.

Clubs proper: On most nights there is a cover charge at these places, although the less popular nights are sometimes free. Cover charge is usually between 3,000/= and 7,000/= ($2-5), with the upstairs sections a little more expensive at 10,000/= to 15,000/= ($5-8).

Club Silk:  Is a medium-sized club with two floors and several bars. You pay extra to get upstairs (“Silk Royale”) which seems to be a matter of status (or the extra choice) rather than of quality, since everyone I’ve met prefers the music downstairs and the drinks are the same. Perhaps you pay to get away from the lurid, psychedelic artwork on the walls downstairs. Campus night on Tuesday is great; the DJs downstairs are awesome, drinks are cheap and the crowd is young students. The first Friday of every month, which is a trance and techno night playing old European stuff, enormously popular and the place is packed to the gunwales.

Club Ange Noir:
 This is one of the best clubs in Kampala as ever know and it has been going strong since mid 1980s the proprietor happens to be a friend of mine and dedicated business man who has put Kampala as one of the greatest night spot cities in Africa. The club is bigger, attracts more muzungus, and is where all the big names that come to Kampala go out (like Shaggy). I prefer the music and DJs at Silk, but with Ange Noir it’s the whole experience that counts. The big nights are Wednesday (Ladies go free downstairs and half price upstairs), Thursday (Campus night), and Saturday when the big names in east Africa perform, and on these nights you can hardly move for people. Like Silk you pay extra to go upstairs (“Ange Mystique”) but this time it’s really worth it, because Ange Mystique is an absolute warren of different rooms, bars and dance floors, each playing something different.

Kyondo Club: This is quite a new pub on Ettebbe road it has been running almost three years now, I was privileged to be one of the first customers to visit the Club when it had just been opened. It is really a classic club, blue tinted glasses and plasma big screen in every corner it competes with Silk and Club Ange Noir and has high end customers of higher status like the two clubs mentioned

Volts Club: It is on Entebbe Road, good music and lighting and one of the best nightclubs in Kampala but unfortunately a bit out of the city centre. It is usually packed, has great theme nights and a lot of fun. Sway

Bar and Club: Is another new and hot club in Kampala. Fully Air conditioned, amazing sound, 2 fully stocked bars, foam machines, great DJs exclusive VIP area, 400 capacity, All night Kitchen, Comfortable seating, 6 plasma screens.This clubs opened around July 2008 and happened to be there on the first day when it started operating. It is very classic one.

Rouge: Located on Kampala Road is a new and fancy place, like a trendy London Bar, it attracts Kampala’s Yuppies. The interior and the atmosphere are very stylish (even the toilets are stylish, which is very rare in Kampala). There is a big chill-out area and a small dance floor. The music is good and is not too loud, so you can dance but still have a good chat. The drinks shelf is very well stocked wit a wide variety. It’s in the centre of the city, so it’s within a walk or a cheap taxi ride from almost anywhere including the restaurants.

Hotels with bars:
Sheraton Hotel slightly up the hill from the centre of town has its own “Rhino bar” which is great on Friday and Saturday nights, when it teems with people heading out later to Ange Noir and other places

Live music: You’d be raving mad to miss the National Theatre on a Monday night, which is a giant (and gaining every week in popularity) jam session in a courtyard outside where anyone with the courage can play music alongside Uganda’s top artists (and some brave but awful ones). The atmosphere has to be experienced to be believed, a tipsy malaise of happiness and appreciation of good music. On the last Monday of every month there is an even bigger festival with several thousand people, and you’re almost guaranteed to see some big Ugandan names there.

:The foreign exchange  rate of today April 13, 2012 is 1$ = 2520 Ugx

Friday 6 April 2012

Kampala transformed City

Kampala city has been transformed since the current regime of President Yoweri Museveni. Kampala city is one of the the best cities in Africa to live in because of the stability and peace despite the opposition parties current demonstrations.

Kampala has grown from butcher chambers of Idd Amin and Milton Obote to a modern city and this was witnessed in the common wealth meeting of 2007 when the Queen Elizabeth opened the summit of common wealth countries. I was so happy to see my prime minister Stephen Happer in attendance and I am so proud of Canada the county which has kept and accepted me as a home. Toronto will always be my home and Kampala will always be remembered as my birth city.

Kampala still has some more challenges such as the constant power outage despite this week's announcement about the increment in power supply from Bujagali dam. On the hand hand, Kampala has one of the most beautiful mosque on the continent of Africa built by the late President of Libya Gadaffi who is still admired in Kampala despite his recent political trouble causing his death.

Kampala has grown from seven hills to more than twenty hills. Kampala city use English as official and commercial language though advantage of knowing Luganda and Swahiri goes a long way.Most of the people you find in Kampala are polite, humble and well mannered though they are not time conscious neither bother to worry for tomorrow. The city dwellers live day to day without planning for tomorrow as they consider that tomorrow is always another day.

Kampala has an Iron lady called Jenifer Musisi who is so dedicated and hard working managing Director of Kampala, taking most of her decisions  in the best interest of Kampala city dwellers, such as the recent move she did to avoid the transport strike by Utoda who where going to paralyze the city but prompt decision she took by allowing the easy bus company to operate to ease transport burden and fares. This move excited the city dwellers and travelers who now cherish her as God given angel to the city

Kampala city transformation is an on going basis, to attract tourist, business people and holiday makers.

The current exchange rate of 1$ = 2520 UGX

Monday 26 March 2012

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Restaurants Around Kampala City

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Restaurants Around Kampala City

Kampala city has fine restaurants and Kony is no longer nearby to cause a negative impact on tourism industry which is one of the source of revenue in Ugandan economy

Restaurants Around Kampala City

Kampala has been in lime light by all kinds of social media when the video of #Kony 2012 came to my knowledge after one of my colleague specializing in Marketing and social media posted it on Humber group face book page around start of this month of March 2012.

On the other hand Kampala is one of the safest cities in African, let me hope that Kony #2012 video will not cause a negative impact on a country which relies on tourism industry to survive.

Below are some of restaurants around the Kampala city which are worth a visit, tipping is an optional because it not part of the culture as it is in fine restaurants in Canada.
Taj Mahal Hotel & Casino
located at plot 75 First Street Kampala, opened a year ago, this is place you can go for gambling,clubbing, good food, nice Indian restaurant blended with African culture.You must be fully loaded with cash to be in this fabulous hotel.

Kasumba Square:
Located on Northern bypass in Busega, has several restaurants but I prefer roast pork at Busega inn and nice cold drinks. The sitting area could be just relaxing and the atmosphere is great. Weekend are great when there is Karaoke.

Le Chateau:
Part of the Quality Cuts compound near the US Embassy on Gabba Road. The food is simply great fantastic. Waiting time not too bad and the food is Belgian and Continental. The patisserie next door has great baked goods, the baguette could be improved at bit. The patisserie has the best pastries, though the coffee can be great or simply not it depends

Cafe Roma:
Locate near Hotel International in Muyenga about 30 minutes drive from the city center the food is great!a bit on pricey side, closed on Mondays. Pork Roast on Sundays, great food, good tasting and the pizza is excellent. Nice setting, a gathering point for many Italian ex-pats in the area. I have had fish here with risotto, a pork dish that was nice and a reasonable minestrone.

Hotel International:
Located on tank hill Muyenga, the name is a sort of misnomer when it comes to the food. Indian menu items are ok, the rice is always nicely done. There are continental and Ugandan menu which has the consistent Ugandan food. The steak can be good or great, order it without Royco so you can taste the flavor of the great Ugandan beef, pepper steak is okay. The prices on the menu do not include the extra 18% vat tax. The garden is the best place to eat your meal, even at night, enjoy the view, it is fantastic, and makes up for the negatives.

Indian Summer:
The food is medium in quality if you know Indian food.The staff is great and you do not have to wait too long, except on weekends. If you do not want to drive to downtown and you are in Muyenga this could be a place for you just down from Reste Corner.

Palm Cafe Pizzeria & Bar:
Located in Muyega close to Reste Corner. Offer nice pizzas compared to price and they are fire wood oven pizza, crispy crust, great toppings, best price around. Reminds me of Pizza from pizza hut in Toronto though too much cheese.

Coconut Shack:
A friendly owner and nice cold drinks,though the staff sometimes lack good customer care. There is nothing special due to the competitors around. Do not expect too much from their service but could be a good place to try.

Beijing Restaurant:
Located at Reste Corner in Muyenga.I have been there for about three times. The fried rice is great. Vegetable dishes are nice. Meat on every occasion the 50 chew kind. Waiters lack prompt customer service.

Miami Club:
A mixture of many things. A quiet Chinese restaurant if you go into the garden section, Management lacks customer service skills such as greeting customers or to ask how the food was. The vegetable fried rice lacks is hit and miss, sometimes great other times never.On the other hand, best waiting staff in town.

Fasika Ethiopian Food:
Next to Payless Supermarket on Gabba Road. Great Ethiopian Food. Must be, since many of the guest are Ethiopian themselves. Enjoyable is the word if you like a bit of spice, which I do. They used to be a in different location but moved a few hundred yards away. Thank goodness their food quality has not moved.

Le Petit Bistro:
Gabba Road past Kansanga trading center on left. Best Steaks in town...a meat eaters delight and a favorite of ex-pats. In the evening the place is packed with folks from all over the world enjoying their carnivore treats.

Chicken Tonight:
Several locations, one in Kabalagala and one in Kansanga. Good bbq'd chicken and pilau rice with beef, very inexpensive.

Things to watch out for: East African chefs, cooks, love to use some things that may not agree with your body, or your vegetarian lifestyle. If you are ordering food ask if they are using Aromat or Royco in their cooking. Both of these have a high concentration of MSG. If you are allergic to MSG, request that no Aromat or Royco is used on your food.

Foreign exchange of today March 26, 2012, $1 = 2490UGX

Thursday 15 March 2012

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Restaurants in Kampala City

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Restaurants in Kampala City

Check out blog about restaurants in Kampala

Restaurants in Kampala City

There are so many good restaurants in Kampala city but the idea about blogging restaurants in Kampala came to my mind after my professor in marketing and social media was giving us an insight. This came like golden opportunity because I have visited so many restaurants in Kampala which I want to share with the public:

Khana Khazana :
One of the best resturant in Kampala Uganda where you can have very delicious indiain food. Clean and excellent enviroment. I recommend to every one if have chance to visit Kampala, must visit Khana Khazana.

Kisement restaurants
Located in Kololo are and this is my favorite place, I cannot miss going there when I am in Kampala. it is outdoor place with food court yard, the atmosphere is great!

Nando's Restaurant:
Located on Kampala Road. The food comes reasonably fast - a pleasant surprise if you've just come in from the countryside, where almost everything except street snacks can take an hour or more. The bakery is excellent.

1000 Cups of Coffee:
A great place to taste some of the varieties of coffee that are grown in Uganda. Amazingly, most Ugandans prefer tea, not coffee, and in restaurants your coffee will often be the instant kind. So this place is a real refuge for real coffee for people such as myself. Located on Buganda Road across from Daisy Arcade. If you need a break in the day, this is the place as I have found. President Museveni has been to 1000 Cups of Coffee, I do not know if he is a coffee connoisseur but I saw a film where came with his entourage.

Cafe Pap:
Great coffee, well-prepared dishes, a wonderful selection of desserts. You can sit inside or outside on Parliament avenue. This is refuge for those seeking internet access with their laptops. The presentation of the food is quite nice, service wait time is reasonable. You get free internet access by spending a small amount of money. Great place to have lunch, I have enjoyed lunch on several occasion and once breakfast. The hamburgers for someone who has lived in the USA for many years, they are great here. Read an article I wrote about Cafe Pap.

Domino's Pizza:
A sort of copy cat of Domino's Pizza in Canada. The best place to visit for pizza, they offer many variety of pizza. Lets be fair, it is good pizza, value for your money and one of the best pizzas in town. Living in Toronto city spoiled me since there is more pizza restaurants in every corner so wide variety of choice compared to Kampala

Ekitoobero Restaurant:
Desiring to taste Ugandan dishes such matoke, posho, g-nut sauce. This informal restaurant is the place to visit. You will enjoy the taste Kampala for yourself. Nice place and good reputation.

Haandi Restaurant:
My favorite Indian Restaurant in Kampala. The Chicken Palak is to die for, or to live for. Service has always been very efficient. The restaurant has an open Kitchen, a rarity in Kampala behind glass and it is spotless. The quality of food is consistent and simply delicious. Located on Commercial Plaza off of Kampala Road. They take credit cards here.

Fang Fang Chinese Restaurant:
Fang Fang is an awesome looking Chinese restaurant located in the Communication House in the business district of Kampala. The decorations are very nice, food is good and service is flawless. But the best thing by far, is the location. Go there in the evening and watch the pulsating life of the city from the terrace while enjoying a nice dinner. The restaurant at Hotel Fang Fang is also as delightful but a somewhat smaller, but there is the garden. Main Restaurant is in Communication House on Colville Street and the Hotel is located on Sseziba Road.

Garden City Mall Food court:
A great variety of restaurants are available here. The prices are a bit higher since I guess tenants are paying a higher rent due to location. You can always watch a movie at the cinema before or after. I love this place so much because it reminds me the lovely set up of shopping malls in Toronto. I cannot miss to go around this place to do my shopping or find a nice restaurant to sit down quitely and enjoy the breeze of Kampala.It is one of the favorite place to hang around when am in down town Kampala city. It is fabulous and clean place with high end customers and the atmosphere is great! The video below shows you garden City Mall

Kampala Casino:
Located on Kimathi Avenue.I have eaten lunch there and it was mediocre, a buffet that was so so, warm and not hot. I faintly remember some hotdogs mixed with beans.The presentation is not always the best but friendly staff and efficient.

Mamma Mia:
Located in Speke Hotel. Specialized in Italian foods long-running Italian restaurant. The small pizzas are just about enough for a meal. There is also a genuine gelato bar here for ice-cream lovers. The gelato bar has some deliciously rich flavours from amaretto to zabaglione.

Mamba Point:
Upscale restaurant in a fantastic quiet setting with superb food, very classy Italian menu with price being in accordance. This is a restaurant to celebrate something special. I ate their once and was impressed by service, food and setting. Located on Akii Bua Road. The Italian Food is Italian and the place is simply, if you are celebrating something this is one of the places on the recommend list.

Sam's Restaurant: I have had breakfast there on several occasions and it was the best in Kampala, "wow" is the word. They serve a variety of Indian dishes, but also cater heavily to the Western palate with steaks and burgers. I have never heard anyone complaining about this place. They also have some exotic items on the menu. A touch of the carnivore restaurant in Nairobi. Located down from Kampala road past Kampala Pentecostal Church on left.

Shanghai Chinese Restaurant:
Great food, live fish are stored in a pond until eating time. Authentic Chinese dishes of all kinds and reasonably priced. I have eaten many a meal here and usually enjoyed it. Ternan Avenue location inside of Kampala Club.

Centenary Park Restaurants:
This is a fairly new development and has quite a few different restaurants to choose from. It truly has an International flavor. Located next to Jinja Road round-about.

The Chinese Restaurant:
Typical Chinese restaurant and it is good visit for a change. they provide hot towels before dinner but some times the music could be really loud and noisy.

Effendy's Restaurant:
Lovely food to satisfy most palates, a huge selection of 50 some dishes. They have a nice garden called "secret garden." A nice addition to the restaurant list in Kampala.

Kyoto Restaurant:
They prepare very good beef and the taste is very delicious. Kampala now has two Japanese restaurant to choose from, one is Wasabi located in Muyenga across from Hotel International while the other is Kyoto. I have not eaten at the Wasabi Restaurant.

Centenary Barbeque Lounge:
German Food with a fusion of African flavor and dishes - BBQ at its best. German Chef bringing you delightful dishes like Wiener Schnitzel and those other German dishes that stick to your ribs.

There are many restaurants in Kampala city business district but I picked up the above ones so next week I am going talk about restaurants which are not located in the city center but are worth a visit such as Kasumba Squar, Luwombo restaurant so please watch out for the next blog!

The exchange rate of today March 15,2012, US$1 = 1470UGX

Sunday 4 March 2012

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Kampala City Garden of Eden by Winston Churchill

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa: Kampala City Garden of Eden by Winston Churchill

Kampala City Garden of Eden by Winston Churchill

Almost 100 years ago, in 1908, a young Winston Churchill the former British prime minister by then dubbed Uganda “The Pearl of Africa.” And it was. With its fertile soil and natural resources, it was a Garden of Eden in the heart of the continent.

Since 1986, Uganda has found a new confidence and stability. Its luster has been restored and the capital, Kampala, now vibrates with optimism and energy. So it is no surprise that the prestigious Serena Group decided to transform the old 65-room government-run Nile hotel, built in 1975, into the region’s most sophisticated and stylish resort.

The colors of Africa—the lakes, rivers and fertile soils—to almost every aspect of the project Was blended in the magnificent buildings of Serena hotels, both in the city center, right in the heart of the city and another Serena resort beach hotel which is located on shores of Lake Victoria hotel near my place”

Themes appear in both the exterior features of the hotel and in the room décor, where softly flowing fabrics, muted colours and organic themes prevail. The skills of numerous local artists were also called upon to create the stunning carved panels, mosaic pillars, beaten copper fretwork, sensational traditional jewellery, beaded wall hangings and hand-carved ‘bambara birds’, which bedeck the communal areas.

At the opening in 2006, Prince Amyn Aga Khan, a principal shareholder through AKFED, reiterated this concept. “We took the Nile as our theme,” he said, “the Nile as the place where different peoples met, different philosophies, cultures and aesthetics crossed each other and which, from this intermingling, produced a continuous swell of artistic creativity and originality.”

Serena city building was positioned on the upper portion of the 17-acre site, which allowed the landscape to wrap around it.” All of the 152 guest rooms and suites have views of the city and surrounding hills and the lush garden.

Serena lake Victoria resort building is very spacious the reason being outside the city.Surrounded with very good atmosphere away from congested streets of Kampala. The suites are very spacious too. The scenery of the place is very fabulous and by the time I was there earlier this year in 2012 the golf course was being laid out and will be the second largest Kampala city.

The journey would not be complete before touching base on Kasumba Square Mall for a good atmosphere and enjoying the nice breeze from River Lubiji.

Foreign exchange rate of today March 4, 2012 1$ US = 2400 UGX

Friday 24 February 2012

Kampala City Which Never Sleeps

Ugandans enjoy going out and going out they do. The Bars stay open until morning and the party continues all over Kampala. There is a party somewhere in Kampala and I am sure you will find it, just follow the music. Nightlife is relatively safe because of bouncers in the bars and clubs and Ugandans for the most part are simply friendly and hospitable. A body search takes place when entering most night spots.

Take a special for hire taxi from your hotel. Do not take "boda-boda" motorcycle late at night.

Below are some places where foreigners frequent and native who are loaded go out at night. It is advisable to take a special hire taxi than driving when you are going to take alcohol. In town you can use Yellow Taxis which are metered or the rest of the time negotiate and bargain. Start at half the price, and go up from there, laugh and smile a lot.

Places to visit in your night life.

Kasumba Square

There is a saying that Charity begins at home. So the night life has to start from Kasumba Square Mall. This is located in west of Kampala, It is quite very interesting place to be in and I admire it because I was around while my Dad was constructing this place and the first complex in area ,and we as family of Kasumba we shall always be proud of our late beloved Dad for his contributions to develop the city. At Kasumba Square you can meet affluent people from proximity ,has varieties of pubs, restaurants, bed and breakfast guest house and whenever I am in Kampala I am based here because of its sentimental values which is in my blood.


This my favorite place while I am in Kampala apart from Kasumba square has a sprawling menu (and nearly all of it is the same high quality). I like the outdoor vibe. Waiters are attentive and kind. Parking can sometimes be difficult.But the atmosphere is great!

Sabrina Pub

This Pub has been rocking for ages is located right in heart of Kampala,close to Equatorial used be hang outs for Uganda holiday maker. I mean Ugandans working or studying frequent this pub to encounter friends. The owner is a serious entrepreneur and music promoter called Hope Mukasa and he knows what he is doing that is why the pace is still vibrant.

Mambo Jambo:

This pub is right at the entrance of King's palace at Bulange Mengo, the Palace of Buganda Kingdom The pub plays good music with good customer service. The owner Mr. Ssebagala a friend of mine who has a lot of good new ideas which has enhanced his pub to be the best in the area. He is very humble and likes to mix with his clients.

Al's Bar:

Is in Kansanga, this landmark place used to be the busiest place in town at night, but with the closing of Half-London and music that is no longer the Rock "n' Roll of the past, ex-pats have been shifting to other venues and Al's Bar has sold - the new owner closes just around 2 am - earlier than many watering spots in the West - the food that was a nice addition is gone - the staffs have been sacked - you can drive by past midnight and the place is locked - it is still on Google maps - but in reality - no more.

Capitol Pub:

After midnight you cannot find a seat or a place at the bar, and most foreigners and high end Ugandan incomer earners. If you are new to Uganda you go through culture shock of some kind while visiting Capitol Pub.

The music is loud enough to make the fabric of your shirt vibrate, the place is filled with women and men looking for women, the booze flows freely, the sodas are nice and cold, because they have been in the frig long enough until you come along and everywhere people are dancing the night away.

The music is a blend of African and mostly American Hip Hop and some oldies thrown in. There are quite a few pool tables at which you can play a game or two for a reasonable price if you are not dancing. Capital Pub is part of the Kabalagala Night scene where parking is an impossibility after nine pm. (Parking in back for 4000 UG Shillings-way overpriced, park on street. They also show live English Premier League Football Matches on a big screen which attracts large crowd. You have to go through security since the last incidence of 2010.

Rock Garden:

At the Speke Hotel: A mixture of Afro-Rock, Hip-Hop both African and Indian style with a few American songs tossed in. Just plan on standing. Another place to dance in Kampala. A stage where people dance to strobe lights, you can get a pizza at Mamma Mias next door and enjoy meeting people from every continent. Lots of ladies of the evening, you can also find lots of them stand on the adjoining waiting for customers, be wise!

Bubbles O'Leary:

A transplanted Irish Pub, literally speaking, this is an authentic pub...well not quite, there is nothing on tap. Popular with expatriates, the place plays good music, has pub-grub and stays open until early in the morning. A bit of Ireland in Kampala. Located in Kololo area. My Dutch neighbor vouches for it and says it is a great place to go for an evening.


it is a quiet Japanese Restaurant with some great Japanese steaks and a place to rock out in Kampala and is filled with expatriates and those mosquito girls who seem to buzz around wherever the action is. It is now located at Centenary Park.


Has a lot of people, calm and nice, not too many ex-pats. Food is available, good customer service and pool tables to keep you busy.

Club Obbligatto:

Located on Port Bell Road: This is where on the weekend you find Uganda's best Band, the Afrigo Band. This Band has been rocking for more than 25 years and the band leader has preserved its glory. I person had a chance to interact with Moses Matovu the band leader and I was impressed the way he presented himself and the discipline he has instilled in the band. No wonder Afrigo will be there forever so longer Moses Matovu is still alive and the night cannot be completed without going to see the Afrigo band the only live band in the city of Kampala.


Located across the street from Capital Pub's rear entrance on Gabba Road. It is a huge place with lots of space for outside dancing. The music is great, my neighbor a Kenyan is a DJ day a few days a week, interesting place to say the least. The night I watched my neighbor doing DJ duties the place was packed to the gills and a line at the entrance to get in. Lots of students from Kampala International University not doing their homework but out playing and dancing.These students are fond of Bobi Wine the Musician in the following song.

Club Silk and Ange Noir:

Have made their owners rich. Located in the industrial area on the way to Bugolobi. These two places are where people go who are serious about dancing. These are the best disco clubs in entire Kampala. I know the proprietors Packed with University Students. Cover charge.

Just Kicking:

This is a nice place to be while watching sports. It is full of expatriate and tourist. It is quite located in one of the most peaceful areas of Kampala. Kololo kisementi. The place is close to Ugandan museum and good one to chill out.

The Knock

This is located at Buganda road and very safe to be.It is quite an exciting place but good for business discussions or meetings or if you want to listen to Congolese music like the one below.

Kampala opens two joints or pubs every weeks due to its excellent night life and there are many clubs and pubs which have sprung up which are not mentioned so Kampala has more thousands of places to visit, if you want to chill your night life.

The exchange rate of today on February 24, 2012 is 1$US = 2350 Uganda Shilling

Friday 17 February 2012

Kampala City Is Vibrant

Kampala has lost as the rest of the world the death of Whitney Houston last week as it did not go so well to all of us as she has been one of the best talented musician of our lives and who has inspired many young musicians globally.

A handful of singers who really do sell you on the emotion of love in Kampala city, and I believe their strength is that they are able to channel whatever they are experiencing in their lives or probably did it up from some wellspring of memory and the inspiration of Whitney Houston's songs. The following gospel song which took Kampala by storm in 2008, I personally I like it because of its lyrics and the meaningful words, The song is called Kanyimbe. meaning " let me sing for the Lord.

She will sing and her voice soars on this song. it is a bit like a celebration of a woman in love. (Dare I mention the purported target of her feelings? )

Juliana Kanyomozi sings with emotion and a lot of passion, she started more than a decade ago after doing rounds of karaoke stints at Sabrina pub and around the city, Sabrina pub is located right in the heart of Kampala city and the owner is well know family friend who has worked hard to maintain the standards of the pub to world class one.

Juliana Kanyomozi who I can refer to as Kampala Whitney; because the way she sings and her performance on stage compound with her lovely voice which make her stand up among other Kampala musician. Though Uganda has many musician but 95 percent of them are located in Kampala where promoters and target market for their music can be found.  Juliana's lyrics has made her to be the darling musician of Kampala city and her music is played in clubs and discos in and around Kampala. Recently about five a month ago she released the following hit called "Sanyu Lyange"  "meaning; her lover brings happiness to her and no one could dare touch her even if Ronaldo the fine International soccer player."

Juliana has went through a couple of interesting changes in her life like any other singers, career-wise and personally, which she is fairly candid about, and you can tell this in the way she delivers her songs. The following song is in Swahili; Singing about love.

Juliana's first song which made her one of the Kampala stars almost a decade ago, is called "Nabikowa", meaning "she regretted for being with abusive spouse"

Juliana like other musician who have taken Kampala like there is no tomorrow, because most of the population is Kampala is between 15 to 45 years who cherish clubbing and go out in drinking joints which are in every corner with no time limit for selling alcohol, many politician have taken up the trend of appealing to the youth including the President who sang a song and it became number one in the Kampala charts during the presidential campaigns 2010. this was a rap song which the Ugandan youth have emulated from the United states. The song is called' you want another rap'.

Once you happen to visit Kampala city there are many places to start your journey of excitement, before some can build his rounds of touring, Kasumba Square mall should be the first step to the journey of the beauty by nature city of Kampala.

The exchange rate as of today on February 17, 2012 is $1 = 2235 Ugandan Shilling

Internet program reduces infant and toddler sleep problems, helps moms sleep better too

Internet program reduces infant and toddler sleep problems, helps moms sleep better too

Friday 10 February 2012

Kampala charming city & 1000 cups coffee house

Kampala is charming city where one can see ethnological and natural-historical exhibitions. Kampala has plenty of food, and no celebration is ever complete without a feast.

As a result Kampala has no shortage of eating places in the. Food is generally cheap and there is something to suit every pocket and taste. Kampala is very friendly indeed and, unlike many thriving, modern cosmopolitan cities.

The "Kampalain" are never far from a warm smile or relaxed greeting, and if you wish to walk the streets is not daunted by the worry of intimidation. Many of these traditions are colorful ceremonies which remind me of events in the past or celebrate seasons of the year.

Spontaneous dancing and music are typical of life in Kampala city. Kampala is built on more than twenty gloriously fertile hills.

The broad range of cultures in Kampala is also reflected in the wide choice of restaurants in the City, all featuring the wonderful produce of the fertile country side and fish-filled lakes.

Few years ago Kampala experienced for the first time similar to star-bucks" coffee restaurant, called "1000 cups coffee house" after previous attempts by "Ban Cafe". 1000 cups has been successful after its proprietor embarked on a campaign strategy to market his coffee flavors to the local community, and it paid off to the point where the president of Uganda "Museveni" visited his business in support of his business venture.

Kampala is one of the best destination cities to discover while you are in Africa.

Check out the video of 1000 cups coffee house selling unique best flavors in Uganda with fabulous taste.

Kampala City In The Sun

Kampala City in the Sun

Kampala City has various attractions, many are historical, such as Kasubi tombs burial place for Kings of Buganda called Kabaka. Huge thatched house in form of a hut amazing in ancient architecture, could be compared with Egyptian pyramid.

Kabaka Palace is one of the most oldest kingdoms in Africa which has been established for many centuries.

Baha'i temple, one of the largest temple on map of Africa.
Uganda Museum has a lot to offer relating to all cultural history of Uganda.
Gaddafi's Mosque is a magnificent mosque standing on Old Kampala hill were the first British administration took place with help of Captain Lugard.

Namirembe and Rubaga Cathedral, Namugongo shrines are worth a visit.
Many unique modern shopping Malls have been set up such as Kasumba Square Mall, Garden City Mall, Nakumatt Oasis, Lugoogo Mall, Quality Mall, etc, located in very conducive atmosphere surrounded with good environment unlike Malls in down town Kampala which are affected by traffic, pollution and congestion.

Kampala City has more than 20 hills, located near Lake Victoria and has good
natural environment. People are warm, friendly and calm. Drinking joints are in
every corner.

Kampala is not far from the equator, it is about 1 hour drive west of Uganda to reach the actual spot.

Kampala has been commemorated for holding the common wealth meeting of 2007 the City is generally regarded as peaceful due to effective measures in place of terror alert in accordance to world procedures.

City has population of about 3 million during the day and 1.5 during the night 60% of Kampala dwellers live in slums where is high crime rate, poor sanitation and lack of drinking clean water. Most of the slum dwellers live in low lands during the rainy seasons are affected by floods, epidemic of cholera and other water borne diseases are high.

Please enjoy a slide video with background Song called "Tugende e Kampala" by the late Philly Lutaya one of the first Ugandan to change the music industry in 1980s while living in Sweden.

meaning of the song lets go to Kampala to enjoy life, whether you are living in America,Canada,Britain, Scandinavia.

Kampala City & Kasumba Square to Relax

Kampala City & Kasumba Square to Relax
Kasumba Square Mall is the place to visit and shop while you are in Kampala, the mall is located at the edges of Kampala going westwards at the intersection of Busega Round about and Northern Bypass Highway.

Kasumba Square has a unique setting of real a African Mall with good location surrounded by river, green and away from the city congestion. The mall has variety of shops selling goods and services, has food court, bar, restaurant and guest house with affordable rates.

The night life at Kasumba Square is great as there is music and beer, and wines and spirits sold at affordable price compared to the rest of the city. The Mall has attracted other businesses on its surrounding such as the ice plant and market stalls in return for bringing development to the community nearby.

Transport to the mall has been made easy by opening up the northern bypass high and the mall has a guest house attached to it. The place is very affordable compared to other areas of the same setting in Kampala. Especially away from the pollution, traffic jam and dusty street of down town Kampala city, anyone thinking of visiting Kampala as a tourist could take advantage of visiting the Mall.

A bottle beer costing $1 equivalent to Uganda Shilling 2500,African dish is $4, Bed and Breakfast $15 per night but depending on the season. The mall stands out for its affordable prices, cleanliness and high standard of service to its clients. It is worth a venture while in Kampala, there is nothing to lose. U$1= 2420 Uganda Shillings based on February 3, 2012.

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa

Kampala City the Pearl of Africa

Kampala is the capital city of Uganda started way back in 1880 by the king of Buganda as a hurting ground of the impalas, That is how the Kabaka's subject got the name "Kampala" meaning the hill of impala, "Ka mpala"

There was a british Army officer during the time called Captain Fredrick Lugard built a fort at Old Kampala hill who further established Kampala as an administrative city during that time and ever since it has been.

Kampala started with seven hills, now has many as twenty hills, has a lot of historical and beautiful places like the Kasubi tombs, the burial places of the kings of Buganda, Mengo palace one of the oldest African palaces, Bahai temple, Namugongo' Shrines which commemorates Christians that were burnt alive in 1886 on order of Kabaka of Buganda, the Uganda museum featuring display the uganda cultural heritage, a vivid reminder of the fabled past, The National theatre which opened in 1959. "Makerere university" one of the best universities in Africa. Mulago hospital which was the best and largest in East Africa, Namirembe cathedral, Rubaga Cathedral, Kibuli mosque, old Kampala mosque all make up Kampala as great city.

Kampala is well known as" the green city in the sun" due to it's location near the equator and lake Victoria. Kampala has population of nearly 3 millions during the day and 1.5 during the night.

The city has been expanding greatly,attracting tourists and also known for the last common wealth meeting which took place in 2007. New hotels and shopping malls have been set up such Kasumba Square Mall at the edge of Kampala Northern bypass and Busega Round About, Garden City at Yusuf Lule Rd in Nakasero, Lugogo mall at Lugogo, and many in the business district .

Many five star hotels like Speke resort Munyonyo, Serena hotel, Sheraton hotel, Grand Imperial etc. are turning Kampala to be a modern City, it is a good place to visit , people are friendly, the weather is good and all international currencies can be used.

Currency used in Uganda is called Ugandan shilling, exchange rate, 1U$ =2420Ugx by

You should not miss out the royal ascot goat races during the month of August while you are in Kampala. It is a great place to have fun and rub shoulders with high-end society of Kampala.

Please enjoy the video clip below:


Lake Victoria Serena Resort- Transformed Kampala City

Saturday, 4 February 2012
Lake Victoria Serena Resort- Transformed Kampala City:

This is one of the best resort hotels I have ever visited in my entire life, I have traveled in many places across the globe as traveling is has always been my interest for such a long time.

The hotel resort is located between Kampala city and Entebbe International airport and situated near the waters of lake Victoria,surrounded with natural beauty of plants and flowers which makes it to be unique while offering a relaxing atmosphere. I spent my new years holidays of 2011/2012 in that hotel for two days.

The suits are beautiful and comfortable, the suites were built in such away as condominium suites found here in Canada, offering maximum privacy while you are enjoying your holidays. The service is superb, they offer all international dishes and Africa ones, it depends on what someone wants to eat.

I really liked the resort so much despite the cost per night, which was $240 per night but the money was well spent because of what I benefited will always be in my memories for the rest of my life. If you are planning to visit Kampala try to spend at least 2 nights there to get the experience of your life time.

I recommend that before retiring to Lake Victoria resort beach hotel, try Kasumba square located on the other side of the city which is far cheaper and then get an experience with first class lake Victoria Serena resort hotel which will bring lasting impression for your holiday of your life time in Kampala city the pearl of Africa.

There are many suites from presidential suites to double one, all self contain with first class service which could be compared with five star hotels found in Dubai, London, Toronto, New York or in so many major cities across the globe

Presidential suites is going for around $2500 and cheapest suites is around $240 per night. Please click on the link below to watch a video on Lake Victoria Serena resort.