Friday 24 February 2012

Kampala City Which Never Sleeps

Ugandans enjoy going out and going out they do. The Bars stay open until morning and the party continues all over Kampala. There is a party somewhere in Kampala and I am sure you will find it, just follow the music. Nightlife is relatively safe because of bouncers in the bars and clubs and Ugandans for the most part are simply friendly and hospitable. A body search takes place when entering most night spots.

Take a special for hire taxi from your hotel. Do not take "boda-boda" motorcycle late at night.

Below are some places where foreigners frequent and native who are loaded go out at night. It is advisable to take a special hire taxi than driving when you are going to take alcohol. In town you can use Yellow Taxis which are metered or the rest of the time negotiate and bargain. Start at half the price, and go up from there, laugh and smile a lot.

Places to visit in your night life.

Kasumba Square

There is a saying that Charity begins at home. So the night life has to start from Kasumba Square Mall. This is located in west of Kampala, It is quite very interesting place to be in and I admire it because I was around while my Dad was constructing this place and the first complex in area ,and we as family of Kasumba we shall always be proud of our late beloved Dad for his contributions to develop the city. At Kasumba Square you can meet affluent people from proximity ,has varieties of pubs, restaurants, bed and breakfast guest house and whenever I am in Kampala I am based here because of its sentimental values which is in my blood.


This my favorite place while I am in Kampala apart from Kasumba square has a sprawling menu (and nearly all of it is the same high quality). I like the outdoor vibe. Waiters are attentive and kind. Parking can sometimes be difficult.But the atmosphere is great!

Sabrina Pub

This Pub has been rocking for ages is located right in heart of Kampala,close to Equatorial used be hang outs for Uganda holiday maker. I mean Ugandans working or studying frequent this pub to encounter friends. The owner is a serious entrepreneur and music promoter called Hope Mukasa and he knows what he is doing that is why the pace is still vibrant.

Mambo Jambo:

This pub is right at the entrance of King's palace at Bulange Mengo, the Palace of Buganda Kingdom The pub plays good music with good customer service. The owner Mr. Ssebagala a friend of mine who has a lot of good new ideas which has enhanced his pub to be the best in the area. He is very humble and likes to mix with his clients.

Al's Bar:

Is in Kansanga, this landmark place used to be the busiest place in town at night, but with the closing of Half-London and music that is no longer the Rock "n' Roll of the past, ex-pats have been shifting to other venues and Al's Bar has sold - the new owner closes just around 2 am - earlier than many watering spots in the West - the food that was a nice addition is gone - the staffs have been sacked - you can drive by past midnight and the place is locked - it is still on Google maps - but in reality - no more.

Capitol Pub:

After midnight you cannot find a seat or a place at the bar, and most foreigners and high end Ugandan incomer earners. If you are new to Uganda you go through culture shock of some kind while visiting Capitol Pub.

The music is loud enough to make the fabric of your shirt vibrate, the place is filled with women and men looking for women, the booze flows freely, the sodas are nice and cold, because they have been in the frig long enough until you come along and everywhere people are dancing the night away.

The music is a blend of African and mostly American Hip Hop and some oldies thrown in. There are quite a few pool tables at which you can play a game or two for a reasonable price if you are not dancing. Capital Pub is part of the Kabalagala Night scene where parking is an impossibility after nine pm. (Parking in back for 4000 UG Shillings-way overpriced, park on street. They also show live English Premier League Football Matches on a big screen which attracts large crowd. You have to go through security since the last incidence of 2010.

Rock Garden:

At the Speke Hotel: A mixture of Afro-Rock, Hip-Hop both African and Indian style with a few American songs tossed in. Just plan on standing. Another place to dance in Kampala. A stage where people dance to strobe lights, you can get a pizza at Mamma Mias next door and enjoy meeting people from every continent. Lots of ladies of the evening, you can also find lots of them stand on the adjoining waiting for customers, be wise!

Bubbles O'Leary:

A transplanted Irish Pub, literally speaking, this is an authentic pub...well not quite, there is nothing on tap. Popular with expatriates, the place plays good music, has pub-grub and stays open until early in the morning. A bit of Ireland in Kampala. Located in Kololo area. My Dutch neighbor vouches for it and says it is a great place to go for an evening.


it is a quiet Japanese Restaurant with some great Japanese steaks and a place to rock out in Kampala and is filled with expatriates and those mosquito girls who seem to buzz around wherever the action is. It is now located at Centenary Park.


Has a lot of people, calm and nice, not too many ex-pats. Food is available, good customer service and pool tables to keep you busy.

Club Obbligatto:

Located on Port Bell Road: This is where on the weekend you find Uganda's best Band, the Afrigo Band. This Band has been rocking for more than 25 years and the band leader has preserved its glory. I person had a chance to interact with Moses Matovu the band leader and I was impressed the way he presented himself and the discipline he has instilled in the band. No wonder Afrigo will be there forever so longer Moses Matovu is still alive and the night cannot be completed without going to see the Afrigo band the only live band in the city of Kampala.


Located across the street from Capital Pub's rear entrance on Gabba Road. It is a huge place with lots of space for outside dancing. The music is great, my neighbor a Kenyan is a DJ day a few days a week, interesting place to say the least. The night I watched my neighbor doing DJ duties the place was packed to the gills and a line at the entrance to get in. Lots of students from Kampala International University not doing their homework but out playing and dancing.These students are fond of Bobi Wine the Musician in the following song.

Club Silk and Ange Noir:

Have made their owners rich. Located in the industrial area on the way to Bugolobi. These two places are where people go who are serious about dancing. These are the best disco clubs in entire Kampala. I know the proprietors Packed with University Students. Cover charge.

Just Kicking:

This is a nice place to be while watching sports. It is full of expatriate and tourist. It is quite located in one of the most peaceful areas of Kampala. Kololo kisementi. The place is close to Ugandan museum and good one to chill out.

The Knock

This is located at Buganda road and very safe to be.It is quite an exciting place but good for business discussions or meetings or if you want to listen to Congolese music like the one below.

Kampala opens two joints or pubs every weeks due to its excellent night life and there are many clubs and pubs which have sprung up which are not mentioned so Kampala has more thousands of places to visit, if you want to chill your night life.

The exchange rate of today on February 24, 2012 is 1$US = 2350 Uganda Shilling

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