Friday 6 April 2012

Kampala transformed City

Kampala city has been transformed since the current regime of President Yoweri Museveni. Kampala city is one of the the best cities in Africa to live in because of the stability and peace despite the opposition parties current demonstrations.

Kampala has grown from butcher chambers of Idd Amin and Milton Obote to a modern city and this was witnessed in the common wealth meeting of 2007 when the Queen Elizabeth opened the summit of common wealth countries. I was so happy to see my prime minister Stephen Happer in attendance and I am so proud of Canada the county which has kept and accepted me as a home. Toronto will always be my home and Kampala will always be remembered as my birth city.

Kampala still has some more challenges such as the constant power outage despite this week's announcement about the increment in power supply from Bujagali dam. On the hand hand, Kampala has one of the most beautiful mosque on the continent of Africa built by the late President of Libya Gadaffi who is still admired in Kampala despite his recent political trouble causing his death.

Kampala has grown from seven hills to more than twenty hills. Kampala city use English as official and commercial language though advantage of knowing Luganda and Swahiri goes a long way.Most of the people you find in Kampala are polite, humble and well mannered though they are not time conscious neither bother to worry for tomorrow. The city dwellers live day to day without planning for tomorrow as they consider that tomorrow is always another day.

Kampala has an Iron lady called Jenifer Musisi who is so dedicated and hard working managing Director of Kampala, taking most of her decisions  in the best interest of Kampala city dwellers, such as the recent move she did to avoid the transport strike by Utoda who where going to paralyze the city but prompt decision she took by allowing the easy bus company to operate to ease transport burden and fares. This move excited the city dwellers and travelers who now cherish her as God given angel to the city

Kampala city transformation is an on going basis, to attract tourist, business people and holiday makers.

The current exchange rate of 1$ = 2520 UGX

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